“The APAK, or Auditory Processing Assessment Kit is an easy to use student screening tool and professional learning kit for teachers. The APAK has been proven to effectively identify the 20% of students at risk whilst assisting teachers to improve the literacy outcomes for ALL students.”

“17% of ALL students have poor literacy progress and 12% have concurrent problems with literacy and behavior. 50% of ALL specialist Pediatric consultations are due to concerns with a child’s behavior.”
“20% of ALL specialist Pediatric consultations are related to learning difficulties. 1 in 5 students (20%) are slow in developing normal auditory processing capacity, and are at high risk of experiencing difficulties with learning and displaying externalizing (disruptive inattentive) behavior problems.”
Why has the research surrounding the Auditory Processing and Assessment Kit (APAK) been featured in major print media such as the Australian and Sydney Morning Herald, published 36 times in educational journals and international magazines such as Literacy Today and Teacher Magazine, presented at more than 7 international multi-disciplinary conferences and cited in both Australian State and Federal Governments and National Enquiries?
In a 1999 clinical trial, 64 primary school teachers from 34 primary/elementary schools in Victoria, Australia were given a 1 hour professional development session regarding the research surrounding the Auditory Processing and Assessment Kit. When 1700 students took standard literacy and attentiveness tests 6 months apart, those 900 students from the trial schools whose teachers had received and used the APAK scored, on average, 0.31 Standard Deviations higher in literacy tests and attentiveness tests when compared to students who had been tested without their teachers receiving the APAK professional development trial. The impact was even greater for both boys and students from a non-English speaking background.
Science makes the difference: 10 years of research, development and testing by teachers, audiologists, paediatricians and educational psychologists give you evidence-based assessments, techniques and recommendations with proven performance.Science makes the difference: 10 years of research, development and testing by teachers, audiologists, paediatricians and educational psychologists give you evidence-based assessments, techniques and recommendations with proven performance.

It works because:
- The kit is very effective in assessing students ability to processing auditory information and therefore identifying those ‘at risk’ of literacy underachievement.
- The assessment is simple and quick to administer (~7mins per student (~3 hours per class) per year), requiring basic resources and no specialist expertise.
- It gives professional development to teachers, developing the knowledge to understand this aspect of child development and by taking this into account, developing the skills to communicate effectively.
You could see it on their faces, the look of bewilderment. There were always children who seemed just lost in the classroom I’ve had great success with it. When you teach in this way, it’s like a light comes on. The children know what you are talking about.